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  • Writer's picturethe YOGACLINIC

Read this if you can't sleep!

insomnia, sleepless nights

Lack of adequate respect for “tomorrow” or insomnia is nature`s way of saying you`re not done bugging people for the day. It could be all fun to fantasize on, what -if’ humans were cursed by the owls for using them as a postit bird, but luckily, there is a curable reason for those sleepless nights, which is a bad lifestyle or a bad life situations that you are currently in that causes a bomb blast of

thoughts at night when you close your eyes for sleep.

Self - check if you have insomnia by answering these questions...

self-check insomnia
  • Where does Sleep lie in your priority list?

  • Do you have sun rays exposure at the right time?

  • What is your activity before bed?

  • Do you turn off all electronics prior sleep?

  • Is it dark where you sleep?

There are seven categories of people who suffer from insomnia. The most common (40%) of the people having insomnia falls under thi s category, where they stay awake throughout the night with no symptoms of sleep. The 20% of population are those that suffer from sleep disorders. Other 20% insomniacs are those that have worries and are drowned in depression and breathing problems, respectively. The drinkers and the sedative pill consumers and other somnolent people may suffer from insomnia due to over sleeping. The 10% of people are those that are prone to sleep walking, gritting teeth, sleep jerking, etc.

cant sleep at night

Home Remedies for Insomnia:

Here are the 8 timed combinations of simple but efficient kitchen sources that you can rely on to induce sleep or to get rid of those moments where you try hard to find sleep during your sleep.

home remedies for insomnia

  1. Roast some shallot onions and brinjal in sesame oil and have it for dinner. The three items individually have the capacity to prepare your brain for sleep.

  2. Consuming amla (1 amla/head) juice by adding it`s juice to a glass of water in the morning can show its effects at night when you go to sleep.

  3. Drinking a mixture of curd, black pepper powder, aniseed (omum) and honey as a noon drink, will induce sleep.

  4. For children who suffer from insomnia may be given a glass of mango-milkshake at night (note: use honey instead of sugar or jaggery in case of adding sweeteners).

  5. One glass of milk along with clarified butter and jaggery can be drunk at night to get sound sleep.

  6. Fried cumin powder mixed with banana (ripe) induces sleep.

  7. For sleeplessness that maybe caused due to headache s, coriander leaf juice with honey is beneficial.

  8. For insomnia that occurred due to over sleep at other times, to correct your biological-clock for sleep, can have this drink twice daily for 5 days. Boil few grams of aniseeds in ½ L of water, once it’s reduced to 1/4th, mix a pinch of salt.

Now, what are you waiting for?, go-ahead and try these out and find out which one works out for you and make sure to share your comment here. Alright then, have a good night!

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